Virtual reality

  • How are VR systems created?

    We are developing our systems in Unity for the Oculus series of headsets.

    Currently we are writing for the Oculus Go and Rift S.

    Our Virtual reality training package developments have been put on hold at present due to other committments.

  • How can VR benefit you?

    For anyone who has not experiened VR, it is like going into a realistic environment, which is not always "game like".

    We want to focus our efforts in developing VR training packages, where we can safely take the trainee into environments that would be too dangerous, inconvenient or not even possible in real life.

    We can work with you to develop the package to meet your storylines and corporate image.

  • Additional information

    Currently developing a Fire Safety programme to test users knowledge on what they'd do in a real life case scenario. 

    Our Virtual reality training package developments have been put on hold at present due to other committments.

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